Saturday, March 3, 2012


They mask your symptoms. which means they block certain signals from reaching your brain.

i'm thinking this involves some type of blocking the brain from feeling anything. this means if your condition worsens your body will lack the sensation of the required action to suppress viral or bacterial infection.

thats why you should always stop using off-the-counter medication after 3 days. to see if you've already fought the disease , or you just masked it.

what i'm i thinking this sucks but it's what on my mind now.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Success in life.

Is it really something you get if you work hard?
Or is it just the outcome of ''life dice'' <<quoting my self here

i mean seriously. don't everyone think that everything that we do and happen to us is already planned, as if it was pre-written in a book?

The butterfly effect,
A person fails in his studies, because if he didn't fail his mother will end up in a car accident and his future will actually be ruined? how do we know that for sure.

i mean tripping on a rock , smashing your toes against the door. meeting a person that you've not seen in about 6 years in this particular place, sometimes overseas! . how the hell did you end up meeting in that same spot? even though your life is going through different routes and events.

I'm i lucky or un-lucky for being a curious person and trying to find out how and why everything works this way.

Can't wait to see whats planned for me in this Future.

You think it's going for the best or bad?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

how old do you need to be?

In order for you to dress like a gentleman , you don't have to lose your style or cuteness!

for you to understand that being in a mall dressed like you just came out from the desert is offensive for you and for the community?

for you to get the idea of "smoking in a closed area is bad for other non-smokers health?

To grow up and find other ways to pick up girls other than dressing up and roaming the malls?(seriously? people still do that?)

To understand that not all news or material you receive is true? and that you must at least do a little research to confirm ? ( Google FTW)?

To stop using miss-leading titles as a way of advertising shitty stuff, i mean even though you can trick me into opening it, you can't force me to buy or use the content of your shit!!!

Peace, SSAP<<<shortcut for something you don't wanna know!

babies of our own.

Noticed that people tend to love babies from their own family (nephews nieces brothers and sisters) More, in fact there's some-kind of dislike towards stranger babies and children,

i found my self standing still and staring at my sisters friends children today, there was a mixed feeling involved, like WTH are they doing in here+ i don't like them nor think they're cute of anyway.

since we're still talking about baby stuff, my second youngest nephew came to visit for 1 week, he's so  cute i can't even decide what i wanna do with him, so sometimes it's a snuggle, sometimes a slap a kiss a hug, a tease, make him cry,.

i'm sure a lot of people feel the same way sometime in their life. what do you think? shouldn't we name this feeling and add it in a dictionary? or there is an actual thing you can do yo satisfy your self when meeting a cute little thingy?

Monday, July 4, 2011

Close minded ? or not?

Most of the people around me only care about shallow thing,

the typical saudi arabian boy Thoughts and ambitions? i'll list them here:

-Get a job
-Get married
-Have children

Typical interests:
-Nothing worth mentioning.

My ultimate question is, What is it that causes our people (not all) to be so stupid and have no interest and knowledge about anything? i can't believe that such people exist.

*clarification:People who doesn't bother thinking of how to improve their self, their country, Who doesn't feel the need to be special of some kind, who only care about stupid shallow things of life like having enough food and sleep and thats it?  seriously? don't you look around? Don't you see or notice the things we're missing?

Blog idea?

i've been thinking of blogging for a really long time, i have always had a lot of good thoughts and wanted them to be read (by me at least) when one of these thought occurs in reality,

i'll try and keep this blog clean and clear from what gets me in trouble, until further notice

Fucked up world we live in....

Presidents think they're gods, killing people of their own, people who in fact IS the country it self, the blood that circles it and provide it with oxygen,

What hurts me even more, is that people who were trained to defend citizens are the ones who are committing the crimes. without any hesitation or prior thinking, just like animals in the wild.

in my opinion around 99% of trained soldiers are what i would like to call think-less, they often come from low-class communities and are totally blocked from the outside world, without them being involved in world news and how other people are living, The murderers(presidents and higher rank officers) literally have them selves an army of robots, programmed to do what ever they're asked, when ever needed, even if that means killing their own families and friends.

That is so fucked up, there isn't a possible solution, if we choose to fight fire with fire we will end up burnt, all of us, so the better way to deal with it is just to shut up,  and pray..........